Tuesday, 3 September 2013

13 Ways To Kill Your Community: #4 - Hantsport NOW IS determining its needs and values

with its committee focusing on community and business development
  • Every community has strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Every community has a competitive advantage over other communities. 
  • A community assesses what it needs by doing a SWOT analysis: (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Sometimes it takes an outsider to point out a community's gems. 
  • Griffiths suggests 7 to 12 people get together - "people of influence, not necessarily people of power" - (HANTSPORT IS DOING THIS. PLUS IMAGINE HANTSPORT!)
  • Griffiths suggests making a list of the community's deficiencies with the most minor ones at the top and the most complex at the bottom. Post the list at the town hall. When people discover how minor the first challenges are, they will do them often quickly, cheaply, and without outside help.   The community starts to feel some pride and confidence in itself. SOME PEOPLE WANT (FLOWER BASKETS IN THE DOWN TOWN AREA. THEY CAN GET TOGETHER AND DO IT! )
  • The community needs to "to separate what our values are from what we perceive our values should be. The author writes about a hiring a community development officer to attract a new large business to the town but some residents favoured preserving the quaint town. What does Hantsport value? (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO HANTSPORT. WE PROBABLY WILL TAKE ANYTHING THAT CREATES JOBS!)

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