Thursday 14 November 2013

Chittick Ave - dangerous to pedestrians.

Bernice Knickle's shin on July 23. It has still not healed.
Barb Swindell took this photo. 

Like many people, Bernice likes to walk across Chittick Avenue to TIM HORTON. But it is dangerous. 

On July 23, Bernice with her daughter Barb Swindells tried to do just that.  They fell instead. Bernice uses a walker and Barb was walking behind her. The front wheels of the walker became stuck in the uneven asphalt road. Bernice fell first. Barb barely missed falling on top of her.

Today there is a small egg-shaped bruise with broken blood vessels on Bernice's shin.

Neither Bernice nor Barb called the town office to report the dangerous road surface. 

If no one complains. it won't get fixed. 

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