Friday 8 November 2013

Local man charged for illegally selling medical alert device

From: rcmpns-grcne <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 15:20:52 -0500
To: rcmpns-grcne <>
Subject: Kings County man charged for illegally selling medical alert devices / Homme du comté de Kings accusé de la vente illégale d’alarmes médicales

Kings County man charged for illegally selling medical alert devices

November 4, 2013, Kings County, Nova Scotia
…Kings District RCMP have charged a man for carrying on the business of direct selling goods and services without a permit.

In early August 2013, Kings RCMP received complaints that people may have been defrauded after a large amounts of money were requested in advance for the purchase of medical alarm equipment and monitoring services. Further police investigation determined that the seller did not hold a permit to sell which is a requirement under the Direct Sellers Regulation Act of Nova Scotia.

(This blog has removed the name of the individual who is innocent until proven guilty) A person is facing three charges under the Nova Scotia Direct Seller’s Act and will appear in Kentville Provincial Court on November 12th and December 9th, 2013.  And also will be appearing in Shubenacadie Provincial Court on December 9th in relation to two other incidents. 

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