Tuesday 26 November 2013

Other matters discussed at COW meeting.

  • Christmas Angels -December 1 - Hantsport fire department members will walk to Windsor on HWY 1 collecting money for Christmas Angels.
  • The Hantsport and Wolfville fire departments need a turn- around on HWY 101. Currently when one of the departments answers a call on the highway, they have to drive past the accident, drive to the next exit, and return on the other side.
  • Glooscap may host the 2015 First Nations games. The 5 - 6 day event will attract 2500 participants and 1500 athletes.
  • The mayor reviewed the concerns raised at the public meeting: 
-website update

-crime stoppers sign too big
-publicity for public meetings
-refer police advisory committee to recommend a crosswalk at TIM HORTONS.
(he might have mentioned - a citizens' committee to study village status.)

  • The Library Committee toured the Legion building as a possible site. It will submit its report at the December COW meeting.
  • The Hantsport & Area Food Bank is now registered as a NOT.FOR.PROFIT organization. Eleven more families use the service.  

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