Monday 6 January 2014

Skating on Hantsport's rink!

Hi, Heather.   Just wanted to let you know that they have had two evenings of skating on the outdoor rink.   This year it has been built on the
tennis court and the volunteerism that has emerged is wonderful.   A week ago today the King boys - Rick, Mike and Brett - went down to
start the process of clearing off the snow and ice that had built up on the surface of the courts.   After three hours they had managed less than
half of the clearing and were pretty well beat!   Mike went to the phone and made four phone calls.   That evening lots of help showed up and
in no time the surface was ready.   The next evening they had an hour window to use the school gym floor to prepare the plastic needed as a
liner for the rink.   Two one hundred foot pieces needed to be carefully joined on both sides with a special tape.   Once again, helpers plus more,
showed up to lend a hand and it was finished in jig time.   The next morning the boards were screwed together and the plastic was put in place
and the flooding began.   It takes a while to build up the ice but everyone kept taking turns adding a flood and then getting warmed up before
going out in the chilling temperatures once again.   It was so cold that the ice cracked in several places.   Both Sat. and Sun. evenings the first
skaters enjoyed some time under the lights.   Today it is getting a natural flood and the ice makers think it will probably improve skating conditions
as everything will settle down.   A few more floods will really improve things and that will happen over the next couple of days.  When there is a
lock on the entry gate it means the ice is not usable but, hopefully, everyone will understand and go back for another try.   There is nothing like
a sheet of ice to bring out "the boy" in many young men.   Noticed them having a great time playing shinny later last evening.   Hopefully, the
community can enjoy the facility and everyone will be aware that it is important not to pick or tear the plastic as we are hoping it can be used
again the next couple of years.   The plastic is farm grade and white on the top so the sun should not melt the ice so quickly as it did on the
black pavement.   Thought you might like to know what is happening and may have a chance to get a picture or two very soon.   Another good
effort to "bring back play."   Well done volunteers!

-from Rick King
Correction: from Lynda King

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