Thursday, 15 May 2014

Hantsport's Financial Condition - May 15, 2014.

The government has released its Financial Condition Index for municipal governments in the province.The information is from the fiscal year 2011 - 12.

It shows
- where their revenue comes from
- how they spend the money
- and how they manage their finances.

Hantsport is in the red in
- 3-year change in tax base
- reliance on a single industry/institution
- 5-year contribution to capital reserves.

NOTE: The town's financial budget - the final budget if the town dissolves - will be discussed Tuesday, May 20, 6 PM at the town hall. Committee of the Whole meets on the same night at the same location at 7 PM.

For information about Hantsport and other municipal units, see LINK

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