Tuesday 17 June 2014

An anonymous letter

hantsbordernews received an anonymous letter the other day.  It mentioned that bio mass is going to be going in the old Minas Basin building and the gypsum shed is about to start making gypsum pellets in about 6 - 8 months. The letter also mentioned CKF's bonus system

I emailed this to Mayor Rob Zwicker. He responded:

 TThere is a possibility that a Biomass plant could be erected on the old MBPP site with a potential 2017 startup date.  This has been discussed at council.  As assessment is based on buildings and not equipment no significant tax revenue increases are expected.  To be clear this is still only a possibility.
·         I just got news through the grape vine today that an outfit has been brought in to empty the gypsum shed of its remaining gypsum.  I believe it is going to Ohio, again through the grape vine.
TheCKF's employee compensation program is not shared with the public. 

-Editor Heather Davidson

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