Friday 6 June 2014


THE PURPOSE OF THE JUNE 19TH HEARING FOR A PRELIMINARY ORDER is to determine what studies should be prepared, to consider requests by individuals or groups to be granted formal standing and to set a date for a Public Hearing to consider the proposed dissolution. ON JUNE 19TH, THE BOARD WILL NOT HEAR EVIDENCE OR ARGUMENT ON THE MERITS OF THE APPLICATION. The merits of the Application will be considered at the Public Hearing, the date of which will be advertised once in this newspaper and tentatively scheduled for the fall. Any person may attend and speak at this second public hearing, whether or not that person is granted formal standing.
Please amend you note above about the public being able to express their views. As outlined in the Hearing Notice, this will not be possible. 

Sent by anonymous. thanks anonymous for the correction. Note sections underlined by blogger

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