Monday 27 October 2014

Angela Pelton Benefit

November 1
Hantsport Fire Hall
Begins at noon

Added info: Donations can come to Margot before Friday or on Saturday morning at the Fire Hall.  She hopes to be at the Fire Hall Friday afternoon between 3-5 then again on Saturday morning from about 8 a.m. on.
Doors open at Noon.  Draw starts about 2-2:30 p.m.
There will be a bake table - a 50/50 and a raffle draw for a basket of Pharmasave items totally about $80.

Recently Angie Pelton, a very loved member of the Hantsport and Area Community (and valley community) suffered a terrible setback. Although her heart is so big and strong in terms of her love for others, she went into cardiac arrest. Daily Angie is gaining strength, but will still need support in the months to come. After everything this wonderful woman has done for her family, loved ones, the town of Hantsport and the Apple Blossom Festival, it is time for us to give back to her. Saturday, November 1st 2014, at the Hantsport Fire Hall you are invited to a benefit to give back to this woman who has given so much for others. This benefit will be a ticket auction and bake sale. Join us to show Angie how much she has influenced us; let us all help her get her heart's strength back! All proceeds from this benefit will go towards medication and assistance for Angela Pelton during her recovery period.

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