Friday, 10 October 2014

Interview with a Kings County Councillor

Yesterday I called a friend who is currently a Kings County CLLR to find out what approaches the town had made to Kings. The CLLR will remain anonymous. It is one person's view point but an interesting one. Neither the CAO nor the warden was available.

Speaking from a personal point of view, the CLLR stated that two reports were made available to the CLLRs. They included an overview of the situation and gave an idea of what Kings would look at if Hantsport decided to go to Kings. The subject has never been discussed. The CAO advised Kings to be at the table. 

Council decided to wait until the meeting in early October when Hantsport town council would decided which municipality it wanted to join. Hantsport council deferred that decision.

The CLLR stated that a CLLR's job is to arrange for good services to constituents at a reasonable tax rate. Would this be possible if Kings absorbed Hantsport?  Probably not.

It might, if the provincial government made a sizeable contribution.

1 comment:

  1. And there we are Heather at this point no one knows what the Provincial Government will do funding or other wise.. Also remember that the NSUARB can and has the power to place Hantsport with Kings in the municipality and also make it a village with all the benefits of a village. Remember West Hants does not have any villages. There is still a lot of negotiating to be done.


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