Wednesday 12 November 2014

Curlers for the Food Bank

Saturday November 8, 2014 The Hantsport and Area Community Food Bank Society held its 2nd fun curling day at the Windsor Curling club. There was curling, a silent auction, games and live music.

Photos submitted.

Besides being a very successful fund raiser it was a  fun day for all that were involved. Heather McInnes chaired this project and did a great job. Heather was assisted on this project by a number of other volunteers. 

We would like to say "Thank You " for all of the community support that we received to make this day such a success.The funds raised will go toward the support of the monthly food bank and to finish the renovations of our new home at 3 Oak street. 

We will be having an Open House on Thursday, November 27 at 7pm and all are welcome to come and see our new home. 

From Chris 

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