Friday 7 November 2014

Equipment donated to Hantsport pool.

Nova Scotia Hospital pool equipment is now in Hantsport, according to volunteer Craig Cuvilier. "The NSH  is familiar with Hantsport's situation and was interested in helping out."

Robert Hickey of Water & Ice informed the town that chemicals, vacuum equipment, multi-use tables, and miscellaneous pool equipment surplus at NSH were available at no cost. The town's chemicals and vacuum equipment needed to be replaced.

Hickey has cleaned the town pool. He is familiar with it and its set-up. And he understands the financial state of the town.

At the end of October Craig and Tim Hazel looked at the equipment and picked it up. Craig estimates the total donation saved the town $2000 to $3000. And there may be more to come!

Windsor has donated its filter system to the town and it is newer than the town's existing system. Hickey will hook it up.


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