Monday, 3 November 2014


Hantsport Memorial Community Centre
6 Main Street
PO Box 412
Hantsport, Nova Scotia
B0P 1P0

Tele; (902) 684-3461

HMCC ANNUAL General Meeting

                     Minutes of the HMCC AGM on October 24th, 2013
                     Held at Churchill House, Hantsport, NS. 7.00pm start.

Board members…. 
Lorraine McQueen (LMcQ) President;
David Old, (DO), Secretary; Ron Such,(RS); Angela Pelton (AP); Bill Preston (BP), 
Shannon Cunningham, Rob Frederick & Harold Bulger, (HB).
regrets.... ....Amy Melmock, (AM) & Kelly Bennett  

Also present...Robbie Zwicker, (RZ), Mayor of Hantsport,
Bernard Miles from CIBC Wood Grundy….Investment Advisor,
Rick King, David Folker, Heather Davison, Joe Foy,Kate Sircom,& Chris Hartley
+ Cllr. Faye Hill …(who was obliged to leave the meeting @ 8.10.)

1/  President Lorraine McQueen called the meeting to order by welcoming all those present
& introducing the current HMCC Board members present in turn.
She then spoke to the meeting of the purpose of an Annual General Meeting.

2/ On a motion moved by RS & seconded by AP the AGM agenda was approved.

3/ Secretary DO read the minutes taken from the Oct.23rd, 2012, HMCC AGM.
     On a motion moved by AP & seconded by RS the minutes were duly approved as written.

4/ Annual reports;

·         President;
LMcQ read through her report as printed in the Annual report contents.
David Folker, President of the Hantsport Historical Society, inquired as to whether the Marine Room would be moving out of Churchill House. LMcQ replied that no decision had been made at this moment in time.
Faye Hill spoke of her curiosity regarding the future HMCC business plan, to which LMcQ replied that, at this moment in time, we have the direction but not the details.
The Board will continue to touch base with the local community.
A motion was moved by AP & seconded by RS that the report be accepted as presented.
Motion carried;

·         Churchill House / Red Barn & grounds;
Secretary DO read through his report as printed in the Annual report contents.
Questions were asked regarding possibly using the Churchill House or the Red  Barn as the new home for the Town’s library. Both buildings have been deemed unsuitable for various reasons.
DO moved an adoption motion of his report which was seconded by HB.
Motion carried;

·         Events Committee;
Vice President AP read through her report as printed in the Annual report contents.
Kate Sircom moved an adoption of the report, which was seconded by RZ .
Motion carried;

·         Recreation;
This report, submitted by Karrie Ritchie, was printed in the Annual report.
Ms. Ritchie is the Recreation Director for Hantsport Town Council but was not in attendance.

·         Treasurer;
Bill Preston read through his report as printed in the Annual report contents,
          and presented the Annual Financial Statement which stated a net income of $6,013
 It was proposed by BP & seconded by HB that there is way & means found to represent the actual amounts realized by the beneficial trusts etc. The motion was passed.
BP moved an adoption motion of his report and the Financial Statements which was seconded by HB.
Motion carried;

·         Investment reports;
     Bernard Miles read through his report as distributed at the meeting.
     Mr.Miles expressed his disappointment & apologized for the sub-standard returns for the last year.
     For the first time in the last five years he did not beat the market.
     The return of 2.36% was significantly below the S&P /TSX figure of 3.81%
     Kate Sircom asked about the $18k capital that was transferred from the investment fund.
     LMcQ replied that this money has not been “lost” as implied by Mr. Miles but has been transferred to the    HMCC Credit Union account until we decide where we want to invest it.
     This year’s return would be $7,300 net.
          On behalf of the Board LMcQ thanked Mr. Miles for his unpaid work with the HMCC investments
and the attendees also responded with a round of polite applause.

      5/ Nominating Committee report;
AP has nominated Shelby Davis to join the HMCC Board & reported that she had agreed to serve.
RS moved an adoption motion of this report which was seconded by Kate Sircom.
Motion carried;

     6/ Election of Board members;
         Kelly Bennett will not be re-joining the 2013-2014 Board.
LMcQ, DO, RS, AP, BP, AM & HB have indicated that they have agreed to serve for another 12 months
on the Board.  RS moved a motion to accept on to the 2013-2014 HMCC Board all those re-offering members.
The motion was seconded by Kate Sircom.
Motion carried;
Joe Foy expressed his concerns regarding what he perceived as the lack of continuity within the Board.
It was generally accepted that HMCC Board members should serve at least for a two year term.
Kate Sircom stated that she was impressed with the way things are going with the HMCC Board.
         The Hantsport Town Council will appoint two Councilors to serve on the Board in due course.

    7/  LMcQ moved a vote of thanks to the retiring Directors who had served on the 2012-2013 Board
         during the last 12 months.

    8/  BP moved a motion to adjourn the meeting.
         The meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Minutes written by
David Old,

Oct.28th, 2013

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