Monday 15 December 2014

$100,000 donated towards Hantsport Library Relocation

Several members of the family of Isebel and Roy Jodrey were on hand when Roy Bishop presented a cheque for $100,000 to Deputy Mayor Harold Bulger, Chair of the Library Committee, towards the Hantsport Library Relocation and Renovation project on December 15.

Town Council agreed to name the new library the Isebel and Roy Jodrey Memorial Library.

In 1927, Roy Jodrey located his new groundwood pulp mill in Hantsport. In 1935, his Canadian Keyes Fibre Company began producing paper plates. Soon after that, the Jodrey family moved to Hantsport. Following the end of World War II, the two companies were joined in Scotia Investments.

Bulger thanked the family for its contribution which he described as a great initiative.

Councillor Margot Bureau thanked the family for its substantial contribution. More events will be held to complete the project.

Members of the Library Advisory Committee attended the event.
(LR) Martin Vanderbaaren, Susan Oickle-Shano, Margot Bureaux, Harold Bulger, and Kings County Councillor Mike Ennis. 


  1. Good news story for the library group. Just wanted to clarify that this is only part of the library advisory committee -- one sort of gets the impression that this was the whole group. Joe and Lorraine are two local people who were on the committee and put in MANY, MANY hours. The head of AVRL (who recently retired -- I think her name is Frances Newman) also attended most meetings and there was a representative from the reservation as well. There may have been others.( Joe had to resign so he would have time to finish the book he was writing about his uncle before the uncle's 92nd birthday.)
    I think it's important that the community knows that there were lots of people involved in the decisions that were made -- several local contractors and tradesmen volunteered their time as consultants as well. Maybe you can contact Harold for the whole story, and the names of the people involved at the beginning.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous. Those pictured were those present at the event. As you stated, many more were involved.
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