Monday 15 December 2014

Jud wins again at Chase the Ace.

For the second time in 5 weeks I'd like to congratulate Jud Porter on winning Chase the Ace! Jud takes home $102 but did not cut the ace of spades so the jackpot now stands at $724.50 after 5 weeks, with another 30% from ticket sales being added next friday. It was a great atmosphere at Churchill House tonight!! Once again the generosity shown towards the food bank was great as Betty Jo had quite a load of items packed into her car when leaving! Thanks to Jill Pineo for setting up her display of leggings as that was a busy spot all night. Thanks also to Margot Hansen Bureaux for preparing supper and sweets for the crowd, it was delicious.

Next week we will be at the fire hall and we are hoping for our biggest crowd to date. This will be the last draw before we break for two weeks and get back at Jan 9. The bar will be open 6-9 with a few sets of washers set up for your enjoyment. Remember to bring a food bank item for a free ticket! There will also be a second place draw for some Christmas cheer. Lets pack the fire hall for a little pre Christmas fun!! See ya Friday! If you haven't been out to Chase the Ace yet, this is the one to get to!!


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