Friday 19 December 2014

Ruth remembers Jodreys' generosity

Roy and Bella Jodrey in Ireland.
From Tide & Timber. Hantsport, Nova Scotia  1795 -- 1995. 

I would like to comment in regards to the $100,000 that the Jodrey family contributed towards the funding of  the new Hantsport Library. 

 R. A. and Isobel Jodrey have contributed much to this community and were paramount in the development of this Town. It seems very fitting that the library should carry their names in memory of their contributions. One of the contributions that the Jodreys made affected many of us, growing up in Hantsport. 

Before the pool was built on the Churchill grounds, many of us took Red Cross lessons in the cold waters down on the beach, here in Hantsport.  After the pool was constructed, we continued our lessons at the Hantsport pool. 

The information from my mother was that families that could not afford the membership fees for lessons would be charged a token fee of $1.00 per family, for the  entire summer for swimming lessons."  That pool was always filled to capacity.  Some of us went on to become lifeguards, swimming instructors and worked in that very pool , continuing to instruct and lifeguard. 

This was another example of the generosity of the Jodreys.  This was just another bit of information that may not be well known. Now the grandchildren and Jodrey family have, through their generousity, passed on this Jodrey legacy to the Hantsport community, helping to make this new library a reality for the use of our youth and our commuinty.  

from Ruth Ross

(Harry Bruce's book R.A.: the story of R.A. Jodrey, published in 1979, is available through the library. This self-made successful businessman never forgot his Gaspereau Valley roots. 
I recall reading that, while travelling to Halifax on business,  RA often had several apples with him to eat on the trip. A fascinating must read book of a flesh and blood man. Hantsport-born Robertson's book is also available through the library.  - Heather D. )

You are encouraged to share your memories of the Jodreys here.


  1. Growing up at the same time that Ruth and the rest of her family did in Hantsport,shared the beach swimming and on to the pool. Feeling in different ways the generousity of the Jodrey family the town is really fortunate. We went to school and were classmates together shared, friendships,experiences,and that I think is the true value that has been such good memories that was so many years ago and the friendships remain.
    Bill Preston

  2. R. A. Jodrey Hantsport Memorial Fund

    Established in 1974-1975 with an initial donation of $30,000 (equivalent to $91,000 in 1997 dollars). Additional money has been added over the years. The terms specify that all income from this Fund must be used to maintain the Churchill House (heat, power, insurance, and repairs). This Fund is administered by an independent Board of Directors,and each year a cheque is forwarded to HMCC. In 1997 the amount received by HMCC was $4,500. As you can imagine this fund has been of a great benefit to HMCC over the last 40 years. A gift that just keeps on giving.

  3. Sorry, but the above comment was not from Tom Preston but from Bill Preston.


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