Monday 1 December 2014

Tonight's meeting: a resident's opinion.

Council has before it an extremely important decision to withdraw the application, or join a municipality.
I would hope that each councillor basis their decision on facts.
The town does not have any money to move ahead as presented by the Town Council, and facts substantiated by the study completed by Grant Thorton, one of Canada's leading firms of chartered accountants.
Also, keeping in mind that at a Firehall meeting of the town citizens, 70% of those in attendance with a show of hands wanted to dissolve.
This is not a time for councillors to believe that "Think Hantsport" with their plan will bring business into town. Over the last 6 months they have stated they have a plan; however, nothing has developed and no plan has been presented.
Citizens are afraid of taxes being increased and that is what you as councillors should be concerned with.
There are citizens that have presented to the councillors that dissolution should happen.
It is time for you as councillors individually to be realistic.
You are in a position to change this town.
The decision you make should not be taken lightly nor forgotten easily.
Bill Preston

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