Friday 12 December 2014

Uncommon Common art

At our blog breakfast, Rosanne Foy showed me the brochure Uncommon Common Art. It showed art installations in Kings County. It was fascinating. I had never seen anything about this even though it as been going on for seven years.

The photos above are from the brochure and show one installation in North PrĂ©, 

I emailed the person mentioned and asked what it was all about. Here is her answer and a link to the installations in 2014. 

Uncommon Common Art (UCA) has just completed its 7th year and is busy planning for its 8th.  So yes there will be a UCA 2015.  

We are a seasonal environmental art project that launches each June and disassembles in October. You can explore all of our installations on our website and participate in the conversation on Facebook  On our website if you select "Other UCA" you can find images from the past seven years of Uncommon Common Art.

Follow us on Facebook to find out what is happening next.

Thank you for your interest.
Terry Drahos


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