Monday 22 December 2014

Wildcat? Lynx? at Gypsum Shed

Leah and Martin spotted this animal. They had come up the path from Foundry Road with their dogs by the gypsum shed and were heading towards Avon Street. The animal was leaning on the vertical branch of the tree. They stopped in at my house and soon I was racing (?) towards the spot with my camera. I only saw it because I was looking for it. It was well camoflaged (??) and it was near dusk. I only took 2 pictures and made a fast get-away. Thanks, Leah and Martin.

Is it a wildcat or a lynx?


  1. Actually, we were lucky to be coming along the path when we did … Briley was reliving his youth and running along the path (with the rest of us close behind) when a couple, with their Rhodesian Ridgeback, put an end to his shenanigans and gave us a chance to catch up. They’d been standing there for a little while and pointed out what had drawn their attention ... a rather large “cat” in the tree. With three dogs and four people within metres of it, the “cat” didn’t seem all too perturbed. After some discussion it was decided it was likely a bobcat … or maybe a lynx … no, bobcat … hmmm, could be a lynx. I’m not even sure I would have seen it if they’d not pointed it out … from the direction we came it blended well with the tree trunk and until alongside it and looking up to the tree one wouldn’t realize it to be a critter on a branch … and the dogs didn’t twig to it at all. We were hoping you’d be home when we carried on with our walk so you could, hopefully, get a picture of it before it moved on … you were, you did, and thanks! (by the by, we are currently leaning toward ‘lynx’)

    Happy Holidays!


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