Monday 23 February 2015

Hantsport could end up in Kings

You may have heard that it is a “done deal” that Hantsport is going to be merged with West Hants.   Actually, that is no sure thing at all. 

The Utility and Review Board said from the beginning that both Kings and West Hants are options for Hantsport, and asked Council to negotiate with each of them how to work it out.   Negotiations with West Hants have been going on for months.   However, before Christmas, Kings Council voted to end negotiations.   Hantsport Town Council then voted for a straight merger with West Hants.

The Think Hantsport Association was the only local group which asked the Board for official status at the Dissolution Hearings.  They now have the right to officially ask the Board questions, and get official answers.   So they wrote to the Board asking, in effect, Hey, how can Council do that?  We thought there were five options on the table, not just one.

In a letter dated January 20, 2015 (Document 232252), the Board sent them an official answer, which is available on the Utility and Review Board website (Case #M06209).  Points made in the letter include:

The Board, in its deliberations on the future of Hantsport, can consider whether Council looked carefully enough at all the options available.
In its deliberations, the Board is required by law “to determine what is in the best interests of the residents.”  In those deliberations, it will “canvass the benefits and disadvantages of all possible options.”   The Board will not “limit or restrict the adduced evidence to that related to a single option.”

The Board noted that it cannot force Kings County “to participate in the proceedings.”  BUT the Board “may still, after hearing the evidence, order that the Town be dissolved into the Municipality of the County of Kings.  And “this could occur even in the absence of King’s participation at the hearing.”  [Above underlinings are mine...]

In other words, whether Kings negotiates or not, and whether Town Council likes it or not, the Board will decide which County we will be in, and it can and will pick Kings if it thinks that is “in the best interests of the residents.” 

In other words, as Yogi Berra once famously said, “It ain’t over until it’s over!” 

-Joe Foy                    


  1. You are correct Joe,, the final decision is with the Utilities Review Board,,Village Status is the best option as we have been saying all along. Think Hantsport , for the election wanted to vote in a councilor to prolong the dissolution and remain a town . The vote did not go that way, My opinion has not changed, Village status with Kings not simply a merger into the Municipality of Kings and that still may come to be..The citizens of Hantsport are still able to give their opinion by writing in to the Utilities Review Board or requesting permission to speak at meetings..
    Bill Preston.

  2. I believe in an earlier conversation with Joe Foy we discussed that the UARB can not change elector boundaries. Therefore if UARB wanted Kings wouldn't the province have to legislate it? If that's the case wouldn't it open an entire other can of worms regarding HRM? I believe the UARB will look at ALL the numbers and realize why Kings choose to withdraw from negotiations. I am waiting to hear back from Joe on the above questions. Feb.23 3:58 PM

  3. Don't hold your breath Jeff... remember the Utilities Board can make what ever decision they feel is good for the town.. so it could be Kings as well as The Hants Journal

  4. Yeah Bill Preston but I believe the Province still has to make the official change via a change in legislation. I could be wrong but that is what I believe I heard from Joe Foy. Feb. 23 10:31 PM

  5. February 27 In his recent comment on the Kings County issue, Jeff Starrett made a good point. A year ago, when the Dissolution talk began, people began asking if Hantsport could go in with Kings County. I was puzzled: How on earth could we end up being governed by Kings County Council when our community is not in Kings County? So in April 2014
    I asked a senior official of the Utility and Review Board: “Are you sure you can do that?” Several days later I got a reply: “We don't know.”

    From the get go, the main emphasis in this Process has been on merging Hantsport with West Hants. We never talked much about Kings County; Kings didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway. So I put my unanswered question on the back burner.

    That was then. This is now. In the very official Letter which I quoted in my piece, it is now quite clear that (1) The Board is convinced that they can do it, and (2) they are seriously considering doing it. Since they are very powerful, and are not under the direct control of the Provincial Government, and make decisions that cannot be appealed, it is now quite clear that Hantsport could end up governed by Kings County Council. I am not saying “will,” or even “should”; but they most definitely “could.”

    We all learn. Life is full of surprises!

  6. February 27 In his recent comment on the Kings County issue, Jeff Starrett made a good point. A year ago, when the Dissolution talk began, people began asking if Hantsport could go in with Kings County. I was puzzled: How on earth could we end up being governed by Kings County Council when our community is not in Kings County? So in April 2014
    I asked a senior official of the Utility and Review Board: “Are you sure you can do that?” Several days later I got a reply: “We don't know.”

    From the get go, the main emphasis in this Process has been on merging Hantsport with West Hants. We never talked much about Kings County; Kings didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway. So I put my unanswered question on the back burner.

    That was then. This is now. In the very official Letter which I quoted in my piece, it is now quite clear that (1) The Board is convinced that they can do it, and (2) they are seriously considering doing it. Since they are very powerful, and are not under the direct control of the Provincial Government, and make decisions that cannot be appealed, it is now quite clear that Hantsport could end up governed by Kings County Council. I am not saying “will,” or even “should”; but they most definitely “could.”

    We all learn. Life is full of surprises!

  7. Yes. Of course the could join kings. I hope they do

  8. Why is it taking people so long to realize that this is a possibility we have been saying that since day one. My election campaign was built around that happening....

  9. What numbers are there to support a merger with Kings County. If it means my taxes double in the next five years I'm definitely not in favor! Nor would the majority of Hantsport. Very few people thought the Kings Co. options were feasible during the election campaign. Has anyone produced any other numbers that support Kings. The professional studies surely didn't support that option.

  10. Who cares....

  11. OOOPS! that was from Lana Patterson, not Heather.

  12. We are still going to be Hantsport and we are going to have to find new ways to keep things going...Either in Hants Co or Kings...

  13. Just sayin, cause it's none of my business....but if Kings says it doesn't want Hantsport, and they did.....clearly....then why would the UARB put Hantsport there, why would they want to be placed where they're not welcome????? Just a question......

  14. It is going to be up to the young parents in Hantsport to keep Hantsport the place to be. We have a great start already, Ben Johnson, Chris Cuvilier and Nic Zamora at the HMCC, Kristy Webster and her girls at Home and School. Paul Morton bringing the Winter Carnival back. Mike King looking after minor ball, Brad Webster and minor soccer. Hantsport is a great place to live for kids and adults, great ball fields, great soccer field, great school, I am proud to say I am from Hantsport and think it is TIME to try and show more people how great this place is, instead of splitting down the middle we should be trying to bring City folks here to live in this great place called Hantsport...Lets make Hantsport a happy place to live , not a battle ground...Just Sayin

  15. Regarding the Dissolution of Hantsport,
    Just when you think it is all over & common sense has prevailed certain Hantsport residents continue to stir the complicated turgid plot.
    The Utility and Review Board, (UARB), have said from the beginning that both Kings County and West Hants were options for Hantsport and asked Hantsport Council to negotiate with each of them as to how to work it out.
    Back in December Kings County Council opted out. That was that, common sense .....or so you think.
    Obviously the common sense commodity is in short supply with some residents of Hantsport.
    Messages, such as this excerpt, are being floated around the soon to be village.

    “The UARB noted that it cannot force Kings County to participate in the proceedings but the Board may still,
    after hearing the evidence, order that the Town be dissolved into the Municipality of the County of Kings.”
    “This could occur even in the absence of King’s participation at the hearing.”

    So, it appears that there are a few folks living in the hope that Hantsport may become part of Kings County.
    Well I can tell them that the folks living where I do, here in Hants Border, will not lightly accept any imposition of that sort. The Hants Border Militia is currently standing down but can be mobilised in short order.
    Our small but determined group of aging veterans & Kings County loyalists will vigorously resist any movement by Hantsport to infiltrate our alleged parasitic community.
    We like things just the way they are because, if by chance Hantsport was to become part of the Municipality of Kings County, it surely wouldn’t be too long before they would be seeking an amalgamation with Hants Border.
    That possibility would be the certain end of Hants Border as we know & love.
    Our rural quality of life would go down the pan & our property taxes through the roof.
    Perish the thought!

    My opinions as usual,
    David Old

  16. Chris Cuvilier2 March 2015 at 10:03

    If Hantsport is in such dire shape, why would West Hants want Hantsport and has West Hants citizens been asked what they think. Do they want the burden of carrying the slack of Hantsport, or is there that much slack in the first place? I have one question for pro dissolution people that if it can't be answered with a yes or no I'd prefer it not be answered. If Hantsport's leadership and council instead of having one public meeting to say they were dissolving went and called an emergency town meeting or 10 of them and said," things are bad folks, we just want you all to know that we are going to grab this situation by the nuts and fight tooth and nail and exhaust every resource and idea we have, including all tax payers and their ideas. Since some of you folks have built this town with up 50 yrs of taxes, we want your input to help to save our town. If, once we've exhausted everything it can't be done and that's the opinion of everyone in this town, we have to dissolve." So yes or no to pro dissolution people, would you support the leadership if that was their plan from the start?

  17. And Fred. That is exactly correct.


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