Tuesday 10 February 2015

Info on UARB Hearings

The following is an email the blog received today: 

Heather: John Morash passed along your questions about the NSUARB Hearings.  The advertisements from the NSUARB are not posted yet, but they will give lots of information.  If you scan through the enclosed Preliminary Order, all of the time points are there.

The Board sets its own procedures, but I was present at the Bridgetown and Springhill Hearings, and there were no restrictions placed on where speakers were from. The important thing is to have folks register or mail in comments by the deadline in the order (and in the advertisements to come).  If you want to see an example of the ad, the one for the Hantsport Water Rate Hearing earlier in March is now on their web site under the Hearings tab.

If you look at the timeline, the hearings begin on Monday, March 23 at 1:30pm.  How many days they go will depend on how much evidence there is and how many speakers sign up for the evening sessions.  Normally the Board would sit in the days to consider evidence, then come back in the evening for the speakers.

The NSUARB web site has email and other contacts if you would like more information. Mine notes here are more informal, but give me a call if you have any questions.

Brian Smith
Interim CAO, Town of Hantsport
Cell:  902-670-8531

I went on line to NSUARB, searched for Cases, found Hantsport under open and saw the Preliminary Order but could not copy and paste it.
Brian Smith said to me today that Karrie will put all the dates and information in the next Town Newsletter.

1 comment:

  1. When one Googles the NSURB and opens the page , then goes to cases and evidence, that opends and under cases by case number types in MO6209 that will bring up the Hantsport dissolution. On the top left hand corner click on the M06209. The total dissolution information is opend up and one can read whatever topic they are interested in by clicking on the blue at the right.
    This would give more people a better understanding of things.


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