Wednesday 25 February 2015

Muhammad Ali - my new dog!

When  ElderDog gave me a 9 year old black Labrador cross on February 25, 2014, I fell in love with his face.

 But he was enormous - he weighed 103.3 pounds. That's fat on his chest.

Tina, an ElderDog volunteer, and Ali. I named him Muhammad Ali because he was big, black, and beautiful. DEFINITELY BIG!

He desperately had to lose weight - or he would die. Tina had taken him to my vet, Glooscap Veterinary Clinic. I decided to follow their suggestions. I put him on a diet and take him for walks. ElderDog gave me - and they give every new owner - a free bag of dog food plus as much raw carrots, turnip, and cabbage as he wanted. And it had paid for his trip to the vet.

He could hardly walk. He had a huge pouch of fat below his shoulders and a smaller one just above his tail. His hips and muscles were enveloped in fat, fat, fat.

By June 2014, he weighed 84 pounds.

By September 2014, he weighed 67.6 pounds.

By November  2014, 61 pounds.

By January 30, 2015, 57.8 pounds. The vet said --   PERFECT!

Look at that! Hips. Muscle. That dog dish is excellent. A Lab has a huge chest. When he inhales his food, he inhales oxygen. NOT GOOD! This dish makes him eat slowly.

When I was walking the dogs the other day, my neighbour Craig asked, "Is that the same dog?" 

When I tell some people about Ali's success story, some will say, "Please put me on his diet?" 
I am grateful to ElderDog for Ali and for Bella Donna. To Glooscap Veterinary Clinic. To my decision to follow advice when it is reasonable!


  1. He is looking good. Would not know it was the same dog.!

  2. Tina Duran-Raymond26 February 2015 at 10:07

    Wow he looks awesome!!!

  3. Heather
    Do you mind if I link your story to the ElderDog Facebook page?
    Ardra Cole, founder and chair, ElderDog.


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