Wednesday 18 February 2015

Yankee Swap & Valentine Coffee Party

Hostesses with the mostesses  Wheet and Erma

Food, glorious food!

What lurks behind the pretty paper?

If this looks like fun to you, join us! The Hantsport Happy Hatters are welcoming ladies and/or women  (50 and over)  to join our organization.  We have members who come to us from the Windsor to Wolfville areas.  We presently have room for five new members.  It’s a fun and social organization with get-togethers held roughly once every month.   There are minimal annual dues to pay.   

 The Society’s motto is the Five F’s -  Fun, Friendship, Freedom, Fulfillment and Fitness.    You might have seen us around as we wear the colour purple with red hats and we are always enjoying ourselves.  

 If you are interested in joining our organization or learning more about it, please contact our Queen – Ella Young (902)-542-0980 or e-mail her at
-Francine Belbin 

Just what I wanted!

Preserves - great!

I like this too.

Just what I wanted but I'll trade ...

for this!

Our motto!

Lots of treasure!

What did you pick?

Queen Ella's choice.

Will Joan want to trade?

Just  what I need! But what is it?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather -- just wanted you to know that I so enjoy your blog and especially this one-- I enjoyed all the great pics. you took of our Red Hat Valentine coffee party!!! Keep up the good work. Thanks,


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