Thursday 5 March 2015

A glimpse of the future?

All day long the CBC has been reporting on the strained, overflowing ER situation at Capital Health. Patients have been waiting four and more hours to be seen. Apparently, the backlog is so great that paramedics haven’t been able to bring some patients into the hospital because there is no room for them. Of those who are brought in, since there’s no doctor to see them, the paramedics have to remain. That creates a second backlog, tying up paramedics who can’t leave for other calls.
The doctor in charge of the ER was candid enough to say that they had advance warning that this would be hard flu season. However, he said, “the decision was to maintain the status quo and work harder.”
-from  helphealthcare. For the rest of the article, see LINK  March 4/15

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