Tuesday 31 March 2015

Gala & Silent Auction for SHPL


("Salutations are greetings," said the voice. "When I say 'salutations,' it's just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning.” - E.B. White, Charlotte's Web)
The Rotary Club of Windsor will be hosting their annual Gala & Silent Auction on at 6pm on Saturday April 18th at King's-Edgehill School's Stanfield Hall. Tickets for this event are now available thru the Rotary Club and the Save Hantsport Public Library (SHPL) campaign. Tickets can be purchased for $65/person and a $35 tax receipt will be issued for each ticket. Seating will be at tables of ten.
The food is great. The entertainment fabulous. There is an amazing selection of donated art, crafts & merchandise on the auction block (and we've got Rev Bill Gibson wielding the gavel!) and there are numerous games and a silent auction ongoing throughout the evening. Yes, it is fun-filled ... and for a good cause.

Please come out and support the Rotary Club and the SHPL campaign at this event!
If you would like tickets to the Rotary Club Gala & Auction please reply to this email by Saturday April 4th as seating is limited.

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