Wednesday 18 March 2015

Now see UARB submissions

The UARB has received the Hantsport submissions and posted it on their site.  It is quite detailed -- and the Town has been asked to put it on their site. 

You are encouraged to 

  • read it on the Utility And Review Board site, along with the 25 letters submitted by other people in town.
Go to the Utility And Review Board site.
Click on Cases and Evidence
Type in file number M06209 (zero"s not o's)
Click on Exhibit H 30 
The public submissions are listed with names. Peter Gnemmi does not live in town but delivered the submission favouring limited village status to the UARB office. 

  • read the submissions before the hearings on Monday. 

  • come to the hearing on Monday, March 23, 1:30, at the Fire Hall. That's the formal session. 

  • come to the second session when other people speak (who have already gotten permission to do so) is Tuesday, March 24, 7:30, Fire Hall.


  1. Heather,the submission by Joe Foy and the others is well worth reading. It is also interesting to read some of the letters more in favour of dissolution than against also many favour village status upon dissolution. There are others still wishing to remain a town. One letter stating plan B go village then have another election to replace Mayor and councillors. Sometimes it is hard to understand some peoples thinking

  2. I have great respect for Joe Foy & admire his obsession regarding possible Village status for Hantsport but I hope he has his figures for the rest of the submission better than he has for the HMCC segment where there are numerous errors & omissions. Amongst other inaccuracies is the assertion that the HMCC raises $50k of it's own revenues in a typical year. I'm not too sure where that figure came from but that has never happened during my time on the Board, unless, Joe is talking about the various total yearly grants received from the Town, West Hants Municipality & Kings County.Whatever happens in the next few weeks HMCC will have to go around with a begging bowl to continue as it has in its' glorious past. There are no money trees on the 18 acre site.....I've looked!

  3. RE questions about the Calculations of the HMCC estimates in the Hantsport Village Submission. Sorry, David, but the numbers given in the Submission for future Park Complex (HMCC) support by the Village are accurate. To ensure their reliability, we even built in a 20% contingency fund into the cost estimates (something which few ever do) AND $10,000 for capital improvements! The Revenue estimate of which you are sceptical is significant because it includes: all income from investments; grants from the two counties (both of which usually contribute them); fees for all programs offered by HMCC; rentals of all facilities; govt grants (federal & provincial, both of which at times past did materialize); membership fees (yes, HMCC did have them in past); membership drives; gifts; bequests; and fund raising drives and events of all types. The estimated total was reviewed by an experienced Board Member. It is not a number based on recent past years; it is an estimate of what is realistically possible in the future, when everyone in the area will know that HMCC has to become much more self-sufficient, or else. Hantsport is not a rich Town any more. As for the other numbers in the Park Complex support calculations, they are sourced from folks who know what they are talking about, and are based on actual recent costs and estimates from current service providers. Cheers.

  4. That was an interesting response to my message as it in fact just confirmed my statement that the HMCC has never achieved $50k of its own revenues in a typical year of the recent past..As you say in your message....quote....."It is not a number based on recent past years; it is an estimate of what is realistically possible in the future",
    No need to feel sorry....we all make mistakes.

    Another error in the submission says that the HMCC has 15 Board of Directors when in fact at this moment in time there are 12 and that is the most we have on-board in the last 5 years.
    I hope you are not insinuating that I don't know what I am talking about because I am also an experienced Board member and can provide the actual figures to substantiate
    my point. My facts are just that and not based on simple hopes and fanciful estimates.
    Cheers, back to you......


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