Monday 16 March 2015

Submission: village status

HANTSPORT VILLAGE       A 40-page submission was presented today (March 16) to the Utility & Review Board on behalf of the many Hantsport citizens who would like to see Hantsport, if it is dissolved, continue as a Village.  [The Submission does not take sides on the dissolution issue itself.]  Approximately 20 women and men have worked over a period of two months to prepare this submission. They have met weekly at the Anglican Church Hall.  Several people attended meetings to help with certain topics.   In addition many, many small group meetings were held in various coffee shops around the area.  Not to mention via dozens of phone calls and e-mails!

The information included in the Submission was obtained from extensive interviews with the Village Clerks of nine Nova Scotia villages having populations similar to Hantsport.   Copies of recent budgets were obtained from each of the villages.  All of this information has been analyzed and checked, cost analysis done, etc. The same procedures were used to obtain the comparable figures for the present Town of Hantsport.  Computer whizzes in the group made up charts and graphs to go with the presentation. 

The submission, entitled "Hantsport Village" was co-signed by Gordon Anderson, Harold Bulger, Margot Bureaux, Joe Foy, Don Hussey, Bob Masters, Morris Masters, and Martin Vander Baaren.   After it has been officially "received" by the Utility & Review Board, copies will be given to the Library, and should also be available to read on the UARB website.   Or by contacting one of the co-signers.
 -Joe Foy


  1. Interesting we have two councilors that voted down the letter of intent, those same councilors affiliated with Think Hantsport who wish the town to stay a town, and now those two councilors wish the town to become a village. Do we have an oxymoron here? And we wonder why we have problems.

  2. So now we know.....20 people of Hantsport are trying to dictate to the URAB as to which way the Town should go in the future. Who once said that democracy is dead?
    It certainly died a death in Hantsport last year.

  3. Twenty people getting together to express their views is democratic. In fact, that is democracy in action. And so is one person expressing his/her view. But there are limits. Today I received 3 anonymous comments. I posted 1. I replied to the others that their language was inappropriate.

    1. Good for you Heather,if people cannot be respectful then they are not entitled to be reard.

  4. So when 20 people out of 900 + voters get their preferred way of local governance that is democracy in action? Sorry, that isn't my idea of democracy. Just as having two or three Town Councilors being involved in the 'Think Hantsport' organisation is wrong. Councillors should represent the community as a whole & not just a 20 person minority group.

  5. Do you suggest a vote? If you read the submissions to the UARB, you will see more than 20 submissions involving much more than 20 people.


Thanks for your comments. I will publish anonymous comments at my discretion.