Wednesday 20 May 2015

Wrong instructions on dog food bags

My experience -
Several years ago I took my dog Buddy to the vet who told me that Buddy was over-weight.
"How can that be?' I asked. The instructions said 2 cups twice a day and that's what I fed him.
The vet said that the dog food company wants to sell it product. The more I buy, the more money they make. ("Dah! - I said to myself.)

I started feeding Buddy 1 cup twice a day. And we walked more. And he soon was trim.
And as some of you know, when I adopted Muhammad Ali he weighed 106 pounds. The vet recommended a special dog food and exercise. Now he weighs 58 pounds. When people see him, they can't believe he's the same dog.
Carrying all that weight would have soon killed him.
Feb. 2014

Feb. 2015 - 

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