Tuesday 19 January 2016


After losing a week of flooding and ice that was almost ready last Monday, it is looking good for the rink to open in the next couple of days.
The warm weather was followed by a snowfall that was impossible to remove without ripping the plastic but the icemakers used sleds, loaded scoops and
snowshoes to pack the snow down before turning it into slush that has frozen and given them a solid base.   The ice was rough so they used a bush saw to
cut off the bumps and swept them up before adding more water.   Today a big crew appeared to clear last night's snowfall from the ice and the deck.  They
also cut and fastened down the carpet that Randy Carey rescued from the dumpster at his brother-in-law's carpet shop.   Thanks for going dumpster diving,
Randy.   Spike MacDonald provided some wire mesh for over the windows to keep those stray pucks out and Rick Shay got a new window for the door.  The
rink crew is also grateful for the grant from Awesome Hantsport to help with needed supplies for this year's rink.   Get those skates sharpened and hope
for cold weather!

-Lynda King

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