Saturday 12 March 2016

Alzheimer and Violence Against Women: topics at IWD meeting

Women from the community and beyond attended Hantsport's International Women's Day sponsored by the Friends of the Hantsport Library on March 8. Speakers were Dee Joff of Rose-Marie Care Home in Hantsport and Brenda Wood of Chrysalis House in Kings County.

Dee Joff of Rose-Marie Care Home spoke first and discussed how both topics are related. Husbands with dementia and/or Alzheimer's can be violent with their wives.

She became interested in the disease when her mother was diagnosed with it.

"People would rather have cancer than Alzheimer's," De said. Stress, genes, environment, or diet may cause it.

Forgive And Forget and Remember the Person's Dignity are good slogan for dealing with people with the disease. And - If you are going to save someone, put your parachute on first.

Although Dee mentioned True North in Wolfville offers free tests for Alzeimer's, your doctor does too.

For 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease, see  LINK

Brenda Wood of Chrysalis House encouraged women to contact their MLA to strengthen laws against abusers. "A Peace Bond is just a piece of paper. It protects no one," she said. "The law does not            fight for the victim. It fights for the law. Politicians only listen to numbers."

The effects of domestic violence are generational. 

According to the general average, a woman will leave and return to an abusive relationship seven times.
Why? Shame. Guilt. Fear. Isolation. 
Brenda know of one woman who would not leave because she had two horses. She was afraid the man would harm them, 

Brenda distributed flowers from Chrysalis House to the women who attended.

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