Sunday 15 December 2013


Ron  a big Thanks to Running on Empty and all its participants. 
The Food Bank appreciates all the donations. Demand is constantly rinsing at the Food Bank as our numbers increase to families that we are assisting We are lucky in that we have a great team of dedicated workers and that our community is so supportive
 Thank You and a Merry Christmas to all. 

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Ron Such <> wrote:
Happy Snowy Sunday Folks:  I went on a beautiful 12K "Winter Wonderland Run" this morning and it was fun.

On Wednesday morning I ran by the food bank and saw a long line-up of people waiting for their food.  It really hit me (probably for the first time) how much the less fortunate depend on people like you for support.  Thank you!  Together you've raise approx. 400 items for the food bank in 2013.  That's awesome.

I'm hoping to expand RUNNING ON EMPTY in 2014 and target 1,000 items.  A tip of the old running hat to Chris Fry and his crew, great work.

Keep those donations coming folks, it's a tough time of the year for lots of people out there and again…..THANK YOU!

Ron Such

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