Friday 13 December 2013

Lost in Hantsport?

Dear citizens of Hantsport

I looked at your website and I was delighted by what I saw.
It looks like a nice place to live.
But I visited your town and I have a few questions:
Where is the lovely wooden statue of a man - a firefighter?
I love chocolate. But where is your chocolate factory? I'd love a tour.
I found the railway station and the tracks and some railcars but no locomotive. In fact, the rail yard doesn't look very busy.
And I love antique stores but I couldn't find it one either.
And lovely photos of the the Churchill House. When is it open for tours?
And that a pretty white building with a small tower on it near the tracks? I saw one that looked at bit like it but no tower.
Did I have the photos for Hantsport?

- Anonymous

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