Thursday 22 May 2014

Monarch Butterflies: How Can You Help Them?

Did you know that each winter the Monarch Butterfly migrates to Mexico?

Did you know that the number of Monarchs has been significantly dropping over the years?

Did you know that they didn't even make it to Nova Scotia last summer?

Did you know that you can help them?

While working in and around Kejimkujik National Park these last two summers (as well as this one), I have learned a lot about the Monarch Butterflies.  Of course I knew what they were before I worked here!  They are one of the most well known types of butterflies!  Anytime someone sees an orange and black butterfly flying around, they say "Oh, there's a monarch!"  

I bet you didn't see any flying around last summer though...
This is because the monarchs are in trouble and they need our help!  Monarchs migrate from Canada and the USA each winter down to Mexico where they spend the winter in a warm climate.  However, this migration is getting more and more difficult for them due to habitat loss.

Milkweed has a nice pink flower to make your garden nice and colorful!

Monarch butterflies are dependent on milkweed!  It is the type of plant they lay their eggs on, and the type of plant the caterpillars eat!  


Nova Scotia has something called the Butterfly Club.  It is based out of South-West Nova Scotia at both Kejimkujik and MTRI (the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute).  You can join the butterfly for only $10!  You get 2 milkweed plants, and a bunch of information about the butterflies, their preferred plants, and gardening tips!  The plants do not flower in their first year, but by next summer they will flower and be welcoming homes to future monarch butterflies!  You can also plant other plants nearby for the adult monarchs to feed from, but the caterpillars NEED the milkweed!

I have sold many butterfly kits to family members in the Valley, but a few small gardens are only a little bit of a help for the monarchs!  The more milkweed that is planted, the better!  Butterfly gardens are also great if you have children!  It's an amazing process getting to watch a little tiny caterpillar eat and eat until it grows big, then turn into a chrysalis, then turn into a butterfly!  I've gotten to watch the process a few times over the summer in 2012 and it is very cool!

Watch the process unfold with your own eyes as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly!

If anyone from Hantsport or the area is interested in joining the butterfly club, please contact me (Wesley) at:

Phone:  19027987438

Once we have milkweed, I will be able to bring it back with me to Hantsport when I come home periodically throughout the summer!  You'll be able to pick up your kit in town!  All you need to do is have the $10, and I will get you to fill out a little membership form!  Butterfly Club kits can also be bought as gifts for others!

Maybe Hantsport could even become the home of a Community Butterfly Garden for everyone to enjoy in the summers?  

Feel free to email me any questions you might have!

Let's plant some Butterfly Gardens and make Hantsport a Haven of Hospitality for both humans and butterflies!

Please feel free to share this post with any of your friends who may be interested! 


Wesley Pitts 
(and the Monarch Butterflies)

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