Saturday, 11 October 2014

10 year lease for Food Bank!

Hantsport & Area Food Bank now has a new location and a new 10- year lease. Volunteers moved the merchandise and fixtures across William Street from its former location to its new location in the old town hall on October 4. The Food Bank has moved 5 times in 5 years.

The Food Bank paid for renovations. In addition, volunteers worked on new floors, new ceilings, and fixed the walls. They added new shelving and painted.

Negotiation with the town who own the building have been going on for two months, according to volunteer Chris Fry. The size is approximately the same as in the former building. The layout is different but it will work out. The rent is the same as in the former building.

The Food Bank is open on the second Wednesday of the month. It can serve 60 families. It is currently serving approximately 55. For information, call 902-352-3002. Call a few days before to make sure you get your order.

Volunteers on deck for the move included Curt Caldwell, Beth Caldwell, Mary Stevens, Chris Fry, Craig Cuvilier, Morris Marsters.and Joe Troke.

Next Food Bank Day -- Wednesday, November 12 

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