Thursday 11 December 2014

Red Hatters donate to Food Bank

Hantsport Happy Hatters met at the Lockhartville Hall on December 10 for a turkey dinner. Instead of presents for other members, the women brought donations for the food bank,  The Lockhartville women presented a lovely dinner with all the trimmings.
Above (LR) Queen  Ms. Lady Clause (Ella Young) ; 2nd Vice Queen (Ruth Selby).

The Lockhartville Hall cooks.

We even had words during the singsong.

Our Christmas elf.

Door prize.

Miss Quickie ( Mabel Yeaton) won the door prize. 

Lady Hole-in-one (Joan Carey)won 2nd prize -a plaque.

Lady Diamond Girl (Lila Schurman) won the 50:50 draw. 


  1. I believe this is at the Hants Border Hall, not the Lockhartville Hall...

  2. Just wanted to Thank You so much for the Pictures!!! Excellent Job!!!

    Merry Christmas!!


    Queen Ella


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