Tuesday 10 February 2015

HMCC response: Hantsport Post 2015

Nick Zamora has left a new comment on your post "Hantsport Pool 2015":

Mr Frederrick,

If you had been present at our Annual General Meeting in October, you would have heard and received a copy of the pool report, which outlined the usage numbers and costs involved with the pool in 2014. The report informed us that the pool hosted over 2000 swims, and cost approximately $18,500 to operate, which included the purchase of some equipment (such as patio furniture for parents/spectators, as well as necessary safety equipment), and an overstock of chemicals (worth about $1500) which can be used toward future operations.

Your figure of $5000 for the water is erroneous on several accounts: the amount of water used by the pool was approximately $3500 worth. This was offset by a grant from West Hants of around the same amount, which was kept by the Town for presently undisclosed recreational purposes. To say that (you), the taxpayer, paid for this is also false, as water is billed separately from taxes, and therefore would not be passed on to the residents in the same way.

If your figure of $38 per swim to every taxpayer is correct, and assuming the Town's budget figure of $25,000 is accurate, you're saying there were only 658 swims in 2013? This would also be before accounting for the user fees collected and grants received from Kings and West Hants...something doesn't compute. This is typical of your consistent tendency to overstate costs for tax-funded services, while understating the other measures of "success", such as usage, community building, local student employment, providing opportunities to learn and practice swimming skills, integration with other programs and organizations, and good old-fashioned fun for the kids.

The pool, and recreation in general, falls under the category of discretionary expenditures for the Town, so thinking about it as "costing" the taxpayer extra money is not appropriate. The tax rate is what it is, and Council must choose how to allocate those monies. For you to tell people what they should or should not support seems backwards for a Councillor...shouldn't you, rather, find out what they support and work to achieve common goals? Perhaps a plebiscite is in order, to decide whether the Town should provide financial support to HMCC, as has been protocol in the recent past. One might speculate that engaging citizens to determine how they would like to see their tax dollars spent would improve the function of Council, as opposed to relying on those who are insistent on preventing public input from entering the decision making process.

HMCC received many kind donations in 2014, which were instrumental in operating the pool. The community owes thanks to those who gave money, and time, in order to ensure that the season was a success. This type of generosity is part of what makes Hantsport, and its people, special. Relying on donations, however, may not be a sustainable way forward in terms of operating the pool for years to come. Asking people to make their wishes known to Council so that an informed decision regarding where to direct discretionary funds, as Margot has done, is not unreasonable. Ignoring those stated wishes, and continuing to deny public input, would be.


Nick Zamora

1 comment:

  1. Martin Vander Baaren12 February 2015 at 08:37


    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Excellent rebuttal !


    Martin Vander Baaren
    Hantsport, NS


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