Thursday 5 February 2015

Hantsport Pool 2015

Hello everyone,
I have taken a number of names from my contacts list thinking you may be interested in the fate of the Hantsport Pool.
Discussions were held at last night's Council Meeting on the pool.  I have brought forward the costs to repair and revive the pool with the donated equipment from Windsor.  All told it will take about $22,500 to get the pool up and running for this year.  That is not including the operating costs, but is the cost to have the pool operate efficiently and sustainably for the new few years.  A Pool Company (Water and Ice) feels that these upgrades could help the pool last, at least, another 10 years.
To council, I explained how the public were so wonderful and supportive last year and how the pool was opened and run more efficiently (dollar wise) with more swims recorded than for many years prior.  We had swimmers from Coldbrook through to Falmouth.  There may have been swimmers from further away, but we didn't have everyone recorded as to where they came from.
The pool was used by more families than ever - and we made it free for swimmers under 5 years of age.  This helps young families and gains loyal patrons.  The pool was rented out for parties and swimming lessons were available privately.
There was a time in the Town when things that needed to be done at HMCC had a very generous benefactor step in to help out.  I think there could be others that have also quietly given to help whatever the HMCC property/assets needed help with.  Time has moved along and this is no longer the case. 
I'm so proud to be a part of community that rallied and showed its support to such a great asset.  I know the many people using the pool thoroughly enjoyed their time too.  And, many children in the swimming lessons advanced their skills considerable.
There are a few on Council that do not feel that the Pool is an Asset worth fighting for and giving the money to to help it survive.  Without these up-grades the pool will be closed with the probability that it won't re-open (ever).
As the new HMCC board is getting its feet embedded into what the possibilities are for the HMCC grounds and community thinking about potentially losing the pool is devastating.
What am I asking of each of you now?
Do you care about the pool being open?
Would you lend your voice to a movement to show all of council how much this asset means to you?
Are you willing to tell a couple of friends and encourage them to tell a couple of friends - and so on, and so on?
Call the Mayor and council, write to the Mayor and council, come out to the Committee of the Whole Meeting February 17th at 7 p.m.  At the end of the meeting there is a short public period in which anyone can stand up and speak.  Please let the Mayor and council know how you feel.
There are potential transition monies that could be allocated to the pool, but as we won't be dissolving (if indeed the UARB declare it best we do) until June 30th, 2015.  To get the money then is too late.  There are monies that are in the reserves of the town that could go to this project.  The mayor has said since last year that he wanted to wait until closer to the end of the Town being a Town to distribute this said money to, possibly, such things as the pool, library or ?  There seems to be a reluctance to award this money at this time.
The money is needed now.
If there is no support for the pool then the pool will be lost.  That is okay if that is what the citizens want - but there is time to fight for the pool if you want to.
Let me know how you feel.  The more people willing to sign their name to the cause the better.  But I leave this in your hands. 
HMCC encompasses Mount Denson to Avonport but swimmers have come from further afield than this.  With the Dog Park and other assets of the HMCC the pool is one more reason to bring people into the town.
Thank you for your time.

Margot Bureaux (Councilor - Town of Hantsport)
Tea Specialist, Sommelier, Consultant
PO Box 455, Hantsport, NS  B0P 1P0


  1. I think that the pool last year was a great boon to the town and surrounding area and that's a good thing but we do have to look at the total cost. The salary expense for the pool last year was $10,897.60 so that would be on top of the $22,500 plus other expenses. How much did the pool actually make not including donations. It is difficult to form an opinion without knowing all of facts. I do support the pool but more information is required..

    1. That is quite right....We don't know what was the total POOL income?
      How was the Total $ income generated? Total $ donations? Total $ grants? Total $ admission? What were the total $ expenses? How many swimmers? Adults? Children? So many few answers.
      Surely Hantsport & West Hants Taxpayers deserve answers before any future considerations?

  2. On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Kenton Sefcik wrote:
    I've already written, printed and delivered my letter to the town office supporting the pool.

    Kenton Sefcik, R.Ac

  3. Good morning folks, I wasn't going to comment on this but if folks are coming to the COTW on Tuesday they should have the information.
    - there is NO money in reserves - any money has already been allocated to projects.
    - there is no 'transition money' yet - if the Province gives the Town money it will be allocated wisely to the areas of critical need as noted in the studies- ie -infrastructure- roads, pipes, etc- not on 6 week recreation projects.
    - the pool was closed last year by the Town because is was costing $38 per swim to every taxpayer every time someone jumped into it ! It would be completely irresponsible of any council, anywhere, to ask this of all its residents again! We could raise the tax 3 cents if everyone wants the pool but I don't think that is the wish of every taxpayer.
    - and yes many people did come from the surrounding areas to use the pool (as they do the splash pad and playgrounds) - and as welcome as they are , they are not footing the bill for the pools resuscitation, it will be you - the residents!
    - and as per the comments above we do not know all the actual usages or costs from the summer of 2014 so how can we possibly be comfortable moving forward into a new season when we do not know what actually occurred in the last season.
    - as I've stated time and time again if the pool was run privately - as last year (even though the Town (you) paid the $5000 for the water- it would probably be a 'success' (I quote mark this word as we don't know because we don't have hard figures) , but asking the residents to pick up the tab in these tough times is not acceptable to me.
    - if the towns people wanted monies to go somewhere I would look at the permanent structures in the town- the Library, the Food Bank, or the School playground- these have a much more social, and lasting, impact then a seasonal pool.
    - so in closing- to 'lend your voice to the movement' is not the way to go here - the responsible way to go is to form a fund raising committee and apply for grants as all other organizations in these tough times do- not to ask the taxpayers to bear the burden.
    Sincerely, Rob Frederick- Hantsport, Councillor

    1. Mr Frederrick,

      If you had been present at our Annual General Meeting in October, you would have heard and received a copy of the pool report, which outlined the usage numbers and costs involved with the pool in 2014. The report informed us that the pool hosted over 2000 swims, and cost approximately $18,500 to operate, which included the purchase of some equipment (such as patio furniture for parents/spectators, as well as necessary safety equipment), and an overstock of chemicals (worth about $1500) which can be used toward future operations.

      Your figure of $5000 for the water is erroneous on several accounts: the amount of water used by the pool was approximately $3500 worth. This was offset by a grant from West Hants of around the same amount, which was kept by the Town for presently undisclosed recreational purposes. To say that (you), the taxpayer, paid for this is also false, as water is billed separately from taxes, and therefore would not be passed on to the residents in the same way.

      If your figure of $38 per swim to every taxpayer is correct, and assuming the Town's budget figure of $25,000 is accurate, you're saying there were only 658 swims in 2013? This would also be before accounting for the user fees collected and grants received from Kings and West Hants...something doesn't compute. This is typical of your consistent tendency to overstate costs for tax-funded services, while understating the other measures of "success", such as usage, community building, local student employment, providing opportunities to learn and practice swimming skills, integration with other programs and organizations, and good old-fashioned fun for the kids.

      The pool, and recreation in general, falls under the category of discretionary expenditures for the Town, so thinking about it as "costing" the taxpayer extra money is not appropriate. The tax rate is what it is, and Council must choose how to allocate those monies. For you to tell people what they should or should not support seems backwards for a Councillor...shouldn't you, rather, find out what they support and work to achieve common goals? Perhaps a plebiscite is in order, to decide whether the Town should provide financial support to HMCC, as has been protocol in the recent past. One might speculate that engaging citizens to determine how they would like to see their tax dollars spent would improve the function of Council, as opposed to relying on those who are insistent on preventing public input from entering the decision making process.

      HMCC received many kind donations in 2014, which were instrumental in operating the pool. The community owes thanks to those who gave money, and time, in order to ensure that the season was a success. This type of generosity is part of what makes Hantsport, and its people, special. Relying on donations, however, may not be a sustainable way forward in terms of operating the pool for years to come. Asking people to make their wishes known to Council so that an informed decision regarding where to direct discretionary funds, as Margot has done, is not unreasonable. Ignoring those stated wishes, and continuing to deny public input, would be.


      Nick Zamora

    2. The pool is and was never meant to operate as a profit based service. It's just that. A service to Town residents and neighbouring communities. What I'd like to be rid of are councillors who continually strive to kill off what makes this little Town so great. Can't wait for the next election when those who were acclaimed are booted out! Adios!

  4. I would also like to comment on the possibility of operating the swimming pool this year. I know it is an expense that requires the Council to work around its' many other concerns and money issues. Nevertheless, I would be in favor of investigating options ie, grants, etc. to see if in fact it may be a possibility. The pool was used extensively last year, and if we can hold on for another year, we never know what the possibilities could be under another governance. If the pool closes now, it would not even be on the table for consideration during negotiations. Giving youth an opportunity to learn some swimming skills is one of those life saving skills that all children should have. Besides, it does get our youth out of the house and away from the teck toys. I have no grandchildren in the area, but, am still interested in making available positive opportunities for youth in our community.


Thanks for your comments. I will publish anonymous comments at my discretion.