










MON  7AM - 1PM 

THURS - FRI 7AM - 6:30 PM
SAT 7AM - 3PM 


By donating your extra jewellery to this group, you support African grandmothers who are caring for grandchildren. Their parents died of AIDS.

And you can by new jewellery at the tea - AND YOU NAME THE PRICE!

Take your no-longer-wanted jewellery to the Hantsport Public Library and leave it in the box. The Grannies will pick up your donations and keep it until another sale later in the year.



Hantsport Memorial Community Centre 

HMCC is having to pay for its own insurance and there are some new compliances we have to adhere to.  Monies are needed to cover issues like this and for basis operations and programming.  HMCC welcomes community participation into all goings on and if community members have particular interest in what any of the committees are doing - their input and help, at any level, would be much appreciated.
This is the community's Community Centre and Grounds.  The boundaries are Avonport through to Mount Denson.  If you live in this area - this is your community centre:)

 Coming Events in 
Churchill House 
HMCC is proud to present: 
Every Friday Night – Chase the Ace, 6:30-8:30 

May 29th – Apple Blossom Festival Royal Party Visit, 5:00 
June 17th Father’s Day Spaghetti Supper and Chase the Ace, 5:00 
Churchill House and HMCC Grounds – 6 Main Street, Hantsport 
Exit 8 off Highway 101 – 45 minutes from Halifax 
Proceeds from all events support HMCC. 
Your Support is Always Appreciated! 
Volunteers for this and other fundraisers always welcome. 
www.thehmcc.ca Facebook hmccinfo@gmail.com 

Notice of Ratepayers Meeting for the Areas of Avonport, 

Hants Border, Lockhartville, Bishopville and West Brooklyn

The Municipality of the District of West Hants will be holding a Ratepayers Meeting for the areas above to deal with the setting of an area rate. Funds raised from the area rate will be applied to the capital purchases for the Hantsport Volunteer Fire Department, which provides fire protection to these areas.
Date: May 25, 2016
Place: Hantsport Volunteer Fire Department, 5 Oak Street, Hantsport
Time: 7:00 p.m.

The amount of the proposed area rate is 4.89 cents ($0.0489) per $100 dollars of taxable assessment. One ratepayer per property will be eligible to vote by secret ballot.
Example: A property with a taxable assessment of $100,000.00 would have an additional area rate charge of $48.95 per year.
Contact Rhonda Brown, Municipal Clerk at rbrown@westhants.ca or 902-798-6908 for more information.
Sent by Bill Preston on Facebook today.

Today the Canadian Press wrote about eight elderly Nova Scotians who died violent deaths in Nova Scotia care facilities. The CP articles only touches the depth of the problem.
A representative for the Department of Health says the department doesn’t publicly release deaths because there doesn't appear to be an intent to kill. "Often times these cases may not be violent. They (residents) push them (other residents) out of way and ... it may not be a level of violence."
How do we know that? How does the government? Until someone shines a light on a problem, most things are hidden and allowed to fester. Nova Scotia is great at protecting the reputations of executives, not so great at protecting people. Remember Westray?
For over a decade the Halifax-based Advocates for the Care of the Elderly (ACE) have attempted to get government action about nursing home care standards and conditions. It’s been an uphill struggle.
ACE have addressed: falls, nourishment, incontinency, bathing, physiotherapy, supplies, facility infections and violence.
According to ACE, “During the past ten years there have been 60 deaths that have occurred in nursing homes that were declared homicides without anyone being held accountable, leaving families of victims without closure to the loss of their loved one.”
This violence includes resident-to-resident and resident-to-staff violence. In a nursing home all patients become part of a general population. Some can be physically frail, some can be made docile from heavy medication. Some may have dementia, others can have addiction issues (which they came with or developed in care) or become aggressive because of reactions to medications. And some may have criminal backgrounds and have a history of violence.
Sixty homicides in a decade equates to a death every two months. That suggests a far greater problem than the Department of Health wants us to know about. A death every eight weeks is almost an epidemic. What is the plan of action and when will it be implemented?

A complete schedule of events at the Forties Community Centre can be found below.
FCC Suppers 2016
Variety Shows (1:30-4:30pm)
Crib Tournaments
March 13 St Patrick’s Day
Corn beef & Cabbage
January 10
First Sunday of every month (12-4pm)
May 8 Mother’s Day
4:30-6 pm
February 14

June 19 Father’s Day
Roast Beef
4:30-6 pm
March 20

July 10 Strawberry Supper
Chicken, beans & salads
4:30-6 pm
April 10

August 14 Blueberry Supper
ham and hodge podge
4:30 - 6:00 pm
October 30

September 11 Roast Pork
4:30 - 6:00 pm

October 10 Thanksgiving Day
Turkey Dinner
11:30 am – 1:30
2:30-4:30 pm

October 23 Sauerkraut Supper
4:30 - 6:00 pm

December 3 &4 Christmas Festival
Turkey Dinners and Suppers
11:30-1:30 2:30-4:30

December 13 Breakfast with Santa
8:00 - 11:00 AM

Thank you for your support!
Call 689-2612 or 689-2000


1st Tues. Kings County Council Meeting, 6 P.M. Kentville. 

2nd Tues. West Hants County Council Meeting, 7 P.M. at 76 Morrison Drive.

The Hantsport Seniors Club  meet every first Tuesday of the Month @ 12.00 noon for a potluck dinner followed by a business meeting @ 1.00pm.
We meet every third Tuesday of the Month @ 2.00 pm for a games or entertainment afternoon & to celebrate any members birthdays that may  occur during the current month with cake & ice cream.
New members are being sought & everyone is cordially welcomed.
Annual Subscription is only $5.00 per year.
All meetings are held @ the St Andrews Church Hall, Hantsport.

    •  Hantsport & District Lions Club Breakfasts
    • at the St. Andrew's Anglican Church Hall, Hantsport
    • the 1st Saturday of each month 
    • full breakfast $6 for adults. $3 for children ages 6 - 12, and 5 and under free.
    • 7AM - 10 AM

    Last Sunday, West Hants Search and Rescue, Aug.- Nov. and Jan.-June. Dallas Moore, 684-0112.

    The New Horizons Band (NHB)
    Interested in making music and having some fun with a concert band group?
    The NHB is a group of mostly seniors who meet on a weekly basis in Wolfville, usually at the Festival Theatre.  We meet on Wednesday evenings for two terms from September to December and from January to early May.  The cost per term is $100.00.  The conductor is Brian Johnson who has a wealth of experience in conducting and playing in numerous bands over the last forty years.
    Come and see us during any Wednesday evening and sit and watch or join in if you play an instrument.  While there is no beginner programme, we welcome any adult with a musical interest and  a  modest(or better)amount of experience.  We play in a very relaxed atmosphere with music most people would recognize. . . Swing, hymns, marches and so on.
    If interested, you can find out further details by sending a message to the following e-mail address: bb1young@ns.sympatico.ca

    1 comment:

    1. Christmas in JULY Event !

      July 18, 2015 9am - 2pm

      Things you will find:

       Christmas Items!!!

       50/50

       Ticket Auction

       $5.00 BAG DAY at Amigos our onsite store

       Yard Sale

      All at New Boundaries,

      79 Centennial Drive in Windsor



    Thanks for your comments. I will publish anonymous comments at my discretion.