Posted February 1/15 The best way to comment is to send me an email at -H. I prefer knowing the sender's name and publishing it. But, if the sender wishes to remain anonymous, I am willing to credit it to anonymous if it is what I consider appropriate. This is not a forum for rude words or behaviour. Please limit your comments to 200 word. If you use more, I will need to edit it. Keep it pithy! -Heather TO COMMENT - click on NO COMMENT or on (for example) ONE COMMENT and the comment box will appear. Your comment will be forwarded to me. You can be 99% certain I will approve it asap. HOWEVER, I now realize that some computer systems are more complicated. If this applies to you, simply send an email to me and I will cut and paste it. No trouble at all! -Heather re Shamrocks Day -celebrating baseball in Hantsport This seems like it could be fun afternoon for all local baseball aficionados. Hopefully there will suitable refreshments such as hotdogs & warm beer. David Old Heather - thank you for the email reminders and link to your blog. I truly appreciate the time and effort you continue to give to keep the citizens of town and area informed, as well as giving anyone the option to post and comment. Margot Bureaux
Morning Heather,, it's nice to see that at least one councillor is taking the time to comment on the work that you are doing. At the present time there is more information from News & Views than from the Town's Web Page. Interesting meeting last night regarding the inaugural Committee of the Whole meeting it does giver an individual a better perspective of how the Town Council meeting are handled and the intent of the Mayor and Council to stream line the process.
Bill Preston
Good Morning Heather: Good job on the blog. Enjoy reading it, as it tells me what is on the citizens minds, on the Write and Gripe . Regards Harold Bulger - councillor STATUS SHIP'S LANDING BUILDING -posted Jan.18 While Ken Crichton, Executive Director, Hants-Kings Business Development Centre Limited, was invited to make a presentation to council about the CBDC, he was asked about the Ship's Landing building which the organization is involved with. The property has been shown and is available "for very little money". Its estimated value is $100,000. What planet does this man comes from? I was at the original aution & there was one accepted bid of $11,000....that says it all...nuf said! anonymous posted Jan.18 Raised grandstand???....square dancing???? brilliant Idea ....unfortuneately about 50 years too late anonymous
Hi Heather: As a former resident (many years ago)I am enjoying your blog. I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with Peter Murray's comments. If you have something to say and you want it published, by all means SIGN YOUR NAME. It is hard to take comments seriously if you haven't the guts to identify yourself. "My two cents worth" Beth Morse McBrine PS Hey Peter, we could start a column called "My two cents worth". You contribute one cent and I will contribute the other cent. LOL -- *Beth McBrine*
I have to agree with Mr William's comments regarding Tax Revenue If we can't bring in tax revenus perhaps expenses should be reconsidered and I also have to wonder if there are other places that expenses can be cut. Looking at the Town's Budget Resolution for 2012-2013 the total amont paid for Wages,Honorariums,IT Specialists,Financial Consultants approximately $309000.00 plus???. We appear to be paying the RCMP $336000.00 plus an additional $18000.00 Honorarium??? why both..For example I think the Town of Wolfville expenses for the same runs around $279000.00. Also I thought that he Town's Web Page was not that bad it is just needing updating which I believe is in the works.
Bill Preston
Ed. Sorry, I missed this comment until today.
REINVENTING THE WHEEL - AGAIN! A couple of weeks ago my computer died. And so did my scanner. I had been completely satisfied with both of them. I was able to get a 2nd hand computer and a new scanner. But setting them up and understanding them became a horror show. I'm pretty well up to speed now thanks to a couple of boxes of chocolates which soothed my soul and prevented me from throwing both machines out of the window. The key is that I was satisfied with my computer. I did not need the upgrades.The upgrades were unnecessary. Why aren't great minds coming really inventing something. Starting from scratch and breaking into new areas? A recent article in The Guardian stated that pharmacutical ( no dictionary in my new computer) companies are not inventing new drugs but seeing what other symptoms the old drugs will heal. How many times can people reinvent the wheel? -Heather D. Posted Dec. 7/12 I read with great interest as I am sure all of us Hantsportonians do to the lives and progress of "My little Town". I have warm memories of my growing up in the town and of the people that I interacted with while there, including both adults and fellow classmates, et al. A couple of ideas I had was to create an official song for the Town. Also it would be interesting to review student's aspirations as described in their yearbooks and to reveal their actual life experiences, careers and where it took them. Anonoymous Posted Dec. 7/12
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Heather Davidson <> wrote:
Thanks, Rob. Dena Miller was optimistic on the interview on CBC radio.
October 5, 2012
We have been back in Hantsport for 3mths.
Over the last couple of months we have tried in vain to have someone come
up to our place and discuss a problem with the ditch infront of the house.
I have spoken to a lady at the Town Officeand she assured me the message
would be passed on, 3 phone calls to date and have not even received the
courtsey of anyone discussing this issue with us.(one exception Jeff Lawrence
a visit prior to resigning his position to move).
I see the grey town truck
driving around the streets, on evenings and Sundays is
this normal for this vehicle working after hours.Sunday
evenings . This is an expense that I am not willing to pay into.The town needs
to curb expenses thats probably a good place to start. Maybe it could stop
in sometime but during working hours.
-Bill Preston, Hantsport resident.
October 4, 2012. Dear Editor,
attended an informative"meet the candidates" evening last Wednesday,
Oct.3rd, hosted by Hantsport's News and Views' editor, Heather Davison.
The candidates for my riding in District 8: Upper Falmouth-Mt. Denson;
were prepared, open, and candid about their beliefs and opinions
regarding issues in the broader community of West Hants. It is
regrettable that there were so few in attendance. I urge ALL citizens in
the Windsor-West Hants- Hantsport areas to get to know the candidates
in their riding, and share your thoughts on what is important to you.
Most importantly, get out and VOTE on Sat. Oct.20th. There are people in
the world who die for the right to vote. Exercise your democratic
right. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Sincerely, Karen L. Ferguson, Falmouth resident |
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