Monday 3 June 2013

Hantsport Public Library's future - Part 2

Where will the Hantsport Public Library (HPL) be located? The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board needs to know as soon as possible, according to CAO Rob Frost.

But after the May 30 meeting of the Mayor, town councillors, CAO, Frances Newman of the Annapolis Valley Regional Library (AVRL) , and Lorraine McQueen with other representatives of the Friends of the Hantsport Public Library (FHPL), no decision was reached. Council may take action at its monthly meeting on June 4.


  • HPL to stay at the school permanently
  • HPL to stay at the school temporarily
  • HPL to be located outside the school

Funding a library outside the school is the reponsibility of the municipal units.
This includes Hantsport, Kings County, and West Hants.
Currently no money is set aside in the Hantsport budget.
Kings and Hants will be approached for funds. (By whom?)
Councillor Margot Bureaux, the town's rep on the AVL board, suggested fund raising.
Lorraine suggested a bond issue.
CAO Rob Frost said the town could borrow the money.

Possible sites:
Old Town Hall on William Street beside the Hantsport Fire Hall.
Scotia Investment building on William Street.
Scotia Investment building on William and Main.
Old railway station.

Reactions following the meeting:

Mayor Rob Zwicker felt the meeting went well and looks forward to working with the AVRL and the FHPL.

Frances Newman was rather disappointed, but not surprised the town doesn't have any money for this.  At least the councillors now see the merits in moving out of the school and agree it is worthwhile to work toward that goal.

Lorraine felt completely pole-axed during the meeting. She has expected that the move to the old town hall was decided. She was shocked that no one had the stomach for action. No one took up the ideas of the bond issue or borrowing money. 

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