Saturday 22 June 2013

Imagine Hantsport - truly a lively event

The atmosphere at Hantsport Fire Hall was electric with excitement and upbeat music at the Imagine Hantsport event on June 22.
People came and went and returned during the event which was organized for residents of all ages of the town and area to brainstorm ideas and - most important - to deliver action plans to turn the ideas in to reality.

Participants first drew a tree of possibilities.

Next, we broke into small groups discussing possibilities.

Then, spokespeople from each group gave a brief report on their discussions.
Ideas included:
Hantsport - awesome - event in October
Hantsport Seniors Complex
Hop a balloon in Hantsport
A safe place for teens
A cafĂ© or restaurant with live music occasionally 
Arts Council engages youth

And then we met in a large group to outline individually what we will do next.

Imagine Hantsport is not over. This is only the first step. The town's revitalization committee will continue to meet to develop and encourage the ideas. 

21 INC facilitated the event which was funded by the CBCD, the town, Hantsport and Area Business Association, and the Regional Development Authority. 

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