Wednesday 5 June 2013

Imagine Hantsport

Imagine Hantsport – The path to a prosperous future begins on June 22nd 2013

How can you help?  We are looking for individuals of all ages from the town and surrounding communities to participate in an informative, interactive, and exciting event on June 22ndfrom 10AM-4PM at the Hantsport Fire Hall; lunch will be provided.

The morning will involve you sharing your ideas to identify existing resources and assets and potential projects that would improve our town to attract people and businesses and promote a sense of pride in our community; no idea is too small.  The afternoon will focus on defining and prioritizing action projects that arise from the morning session and how to get them started.

If you are an artist, author, carpenter, photographer, economic planner, business owner, or if you have any other talent or skill that you are able to share on the 22nd or for one of the action projects please let us know; we want your expertise.

Imagine the possibilities…Imagine Hantsport… 


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