Sunday 9 June 2013

Sitting on an Environmental & Financial Time Bomb

  I’m not entirely sure is all of us here in the Happy Hamlet of Hantsport are aware that we’re the beneficiary of a Gentleman’s Railway Foley or should I say Fallout !  The Windsor-Hantsport Railway owns the tracks that extend to the mine in West Hants along with the Railway Station.
The owner , a Mr. Schmidt who resides in the United States whom I don’t think is overly concerned about any of these holdings, or he sure doesn’t show any sign of it.
If you ever decide to get a closer look at the Station and the fourty + Rail Cars there you’ll recognize the decay and poor state of affairs this is in. The spikes in the Railways Tracks themselves are popping loose and the over all condition of this situation is not only sad, but one of gross neglect . 
The only noticeable inhabitants are the pigeons living in the rafters and who knows what other critters are living inside the Station!
I draw our Citizens at large to this problem and also want each and every one of us to bring this to the attention of the next wave of Political Prospects that will be coming soon to our doorways.
In today’s (Saturday June the 8th/ 2013) Chronicle we see our Honourable Premier Darrell Dexter  is about to announce our Next Provincial Election and by the looks of his Nude Likeness, this could be any day now , ha ! 
Ask yourself this and the Candidates , are we and our Children meant to bare this burden too down the road just because of Mr. Schmidt’s obvious neglect. I know this Citizen isn’t !
Cliff Williams
in Hantsport

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