Wednesday 17 July 2013


Tues. July 23 - 6 PM. Rick Gaudet of Crime Stoppers will meet  with Council at the sign to chose a new location for the controversial sign. 

Thurs. July 25 - 6 PM at the Fire Hall. Meeting to discuss audit and the future of the Hantsport Public Library. 

A letter from the Annapolis Valley School Board to CAO Rob Frost indicated there is not enough room at the school for two libraries. The space can be shared with the school's library. 

If the public library wants to stay in the school permanently, the CAO estimated the cost to the town to be from $110,000 to $170,000 plus $6000 for ongoing expenses.

 If the public library expects to find a separate location, the school board will not charge the public library anything but it must be out of the building by August 2015. The Board's final figures will be announced at the meeting. The decision from this meeting will be sent immediately to the School Board. 

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