Sunday 7 July 2013

Crime stoppers sign. Future of town library uncertain. Expenses repairs to pool. Fireworks re-scheduled. Etc.

Rick Gaudet of Crime Stoppers met with Hantport Town Council on July 2 at its monthly meeting to discuss the huge sign which is displayed prominently at the entrance to the town. Council will meet with Rick at the current site to agree on the new location. 

For information on Oudoor Smoke-free Spaces post from earlier today.

The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board (AVRSB) sent the town a letter stating that, due to financial restraints, it cannot fund the Hantsport Public Library in the school. It wants the town to pay for renovations and costs of operations.The AVRSB will supply a list of the costs. The renovation  costs will be substantial, according to CAO Rob Frost. It is apparent that the AVRSB does not want the public library in the school. Mayor Rob Zwicker stated that the council needs facts and figures. A special meeting will be held to discuss the future of the town's library. 

The pool is now open. The town will spend or has spend $4000 on band-aid renovations and general maintenance. CAO Frost estimates repairs to the inner-workings of the pool will cost $50,000. Councillor Margot Brueaux suggested that the RA Jodrey Foundation might be interested in contributing to this. Jodrey had installed the pool originally. Deputy-mayor Harold Bulger reported that Claude O'Hare informed him that Windsor's  Rotary Club will donate to the Hantsport pool as part of its yearly auction.   

Fireworks were not lit on July 1st. The humidity was too high. The $4000 worth of fireworks would have produced nothing but smoke. They have been rescheduled to July 20 to coincide with Paint the Port and other events.

"Which bylaws do we want to enforce?" CAO Frost asked this question. Council must decide.

Where is are the carved figures? The fireman is in "horrible" shape according to the Mayor. It would cost $3000 - $4000 to restore it.
The ship's captain is in similar shape. The bottom half is rotten.

Correspondence - Peter Murray stated that horses are pastured too close to his house. He feels that he is being victimized by his neighbours. Council agreed to defer the complaint to the Planning Advisory Committee meeting on July 16 at 6 PM where it will also consider the rezoning of 31 Main Street.

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