Saturday 27 July 2013


Valley Harvest 5km Learn2Run Program
  Facilitated by experienced certified coach and personal trainer, Janet Mooney
10 week program aimed at Valley Harvest Marathon weekend 5km event
Meeting every Tuesday evening @ Acadia Athletic Complex (Wolfville Room) at 7:00 PM

10 Weeks Starts Tuesday, August 6th
Registration Fee:
$50.00 for 1 facilitated session per week, training plan & weekly homework
Registration Forms available by email from or ; or pick up in the foyer of Wolfville Pharmasave (Livewell Centre display racks); or contact Shannon @ 582.7874

No Pre-requisites:  This tried and true learn-to program will safely guide & support the non-runner or seasonal runner to a successful 5km event in October.

*Please come 15 minutes early to the first session to complete registration process & be prepared to run/walk. Cheques to be made out to Valley Athletics.

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