Tuesday 16 September 2014

Debate Revisited

After discussing the debate with a number of people, I am changing the nature of the meeting.

It will not be a debate.

It will be a chance for the three candidates to express their ideas on topics they want to discuss.

I suggest to the candidates that they meet and chose the topics.

This is a great opportunity for each one to express their ideas in a thoughtful manner. We can make this happen.

My first choice for moderator was and is Windsor Mayor Paul Beazley.  I am delighted that he is taking on this role.

I feel we need a skilled outsider to chair the meeting. Others have assured me that he is capable in this role.

As mayor of Windsor, he is objective on the issue of Hantsport's dissolution. Windsor is a municipality equal to and separate from the Municipality of West Hants. Towns have powers equal to counties.  



  1. Hi Heather

    I should note that I am hearing some suggestions from locals that maybe you should consider a non-political person to moderate. I myself don’t see it as an issue however, I thought you should know there has already been some negative feedback.
    I don’t mind stepping aside if this has potential to diminish the event. It will be an important forum for the Town. I’ll leave that to the organizers discretion.

    My comments...

    Opening and closing statements should be from the podium.

    I think the citizen questions should be fielded by all candidates....max. two-minutes per candidate per answer.

    In my opinion they should answer citizen questions from the table...less getting up-and-down to go to the podium...more comfortable for the candidiates. That will depend upon having enough microphones at the table.

    That’s about it for now.
    Let me know if you want to re-consider having a neighbouring Mayor on the stage. I will understand if you wish to re-think. And I don’t mind stepping aside if the organizers want to avoid any unwanted perception or controversy caused by having an active Mayor as a moderator.


  2. Hi Paul
    Thanks for your offer to step aside. If the candidates can agree on another moderator, so be it.

  3. Heather,,

    Initially it was “Meet the Candidates” somehow changed to a debate. Now it is not a debate which it never should have been in the first place. My question is what is going on here. I know for a fact that Jeff and I had no prior knowledge about any of this until it was posted on the Town Facebook and your blog. I totally disagree agree with the way you have handled this without any discussion at all with us. Is this your idea or are there other factors involved. There is a proper way to do things and this is not one of them. I do not appreciated being volunteered to do something by someone else. I suggest you re-think your priorities. Mayor Beazley mentioned the organizers I'm curious as to who they might be,

    Bill Preston

  4. You are not familiar with the procedure that has been followed in town for the last several elections where there was a number of candidates running for councillor. I/NEWS & VIEWS held a meeting prior to each election for voters to ask the candidates questions from the floor. Any candidate who wanted to come was able to come. No invitations were issued. The voters appreciated the opportunity to hear how the candidates answered the questions. This is simply what I intended.

    It was brought to my attention yesterday that this by-election is unique. The future of the town depends on it. For this reason I have modified the format as you, Jeff, and Phil saw in your emails yesterday.

    I encourage the three of you to get together to draw up the questions which the moderator will present at the meeting.

    And I invite the three of you to chose a moderator. I understand that Lloyd Smith does this and is good at it.

    If none of you wish to participate in the meeting, please let me know. I am simply trying to help the voters chose the best candidate to vote for.

  5. Heather,
    I am also a little disappointed on how this entire meet/debate/meet the candidates was handled. I would have like to have prior knowledge of it and not find out from some in the community after they read the blog. I'm not entire sure the motive behind such a night and I feel confident that the citizens of this community can contact me or ask me any question they want when I visit there house. I'll have to check my calendar to see if that date works for me and I'll get back to you with a yes or no.
    Jeff Starratt

  6. Initially it was “Meet the Candidates” somehow changed to a debate. Now it is not a debate which it never should have been in the first place. My question is what is going on here. I know for a fact that Jeff and I had no prior knowledge about any of this until it was posted on the Town Facebook and your blog. I totally disagree agree with the way you have handled this without any discussion at all with us. Is this your idea or are there other factors involved. There is a proper way to do things and this is not one of them. I do not appreciated being volunteered to do something by someone else. I suggest you re-think your priorities. I do not appreciate the way Think Hantsport and yourself is trying to have this..Where is the transparency.

    Bill Preston

    1. I have no connection to Think Hantsport. I attended one meeting in the spring to find out about and to report on their activities.


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