Saturday 7 February 2015

Villages are NOT "toast" in Nova Scotia

You may have heard that "the Government [or the province] has decided to do
away with villages in Nova Scotia." That is not true.

What actually happened is this: A committee formed two years ago just submitted
a Report with 43 Recommendations to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs. One of them
is that no new villages be formed, and another is that all existing villages be

On December 8, the Minister of Municipal Affairs announced that he had received
the Report, and made the Report public. Hdid not say that he agrees with any of
its recommendations. Quite the contrary He noted that the committee was formed by the previous Government (not his), that the present Government "has not accept"or endorsed the recommendations," that the Dept. of Municipal Affairs would "do an analysis" of the" Report, that they are just beginning the process of looking at the Report, and that there is "no timeline" as to when they
will finish. In other words, they are going to take plenty of time figuring out what
to do with a very hot potato.[Keep in mind that nearly 50,000 Nova Scotians
who live in our 22 villages (10 % of our rural population) really like their

Bottom line: The staff of the Department of Municipal Affairs have not made a
decision on the village issue; they have not made a recommendation to the
Minister, who has not made a recommendation to Cabinet which has not drafted a
Bill to terminate our villages, and has not introduced any such Bill into the
Legislature, which has not passed any such Bill, and the Lieutenant Governor has
not signed any such Bill. All of which would have to happen before villages would
be "toast" in Nova Scotia. 

In short, what you heard is just another "urban legend''. The existing Municipal
Act is still in force, and that is the Legislation under which the Utility Review Board
is legally obliged to operate when they decide on Hantsport's future. The Act still
states that if a Town dissolves it can become a Village. Our 22 Nova Scotia villages
are still thriving; and it is entirely possible that the Board, upon reviewing the
evidence, will decide that Hantport will become the 23rd Village in Nova Scotia.

And, oh yes, don't forget: it is the Board, not the Government who will decide.
They are the judge and jury in this case, and there is no appeal; the Government
cannot reverse their decision which is why the hearings which begin on March 23
are very important to the citizens of Hantsport.

Joe Foy

1 comment:

  1. Martin Vander Baaren12 February 2015 at 08:46


    Thanks for taking the time to research and post this clarification. We need more stuff like this to help us make (relatively) intelligent decisions about matters that most of us know nothing about or spend the time to learn about. We can't rely on our "leadership" to think for us and need to take some responsibility ourselves as best we can.


    Martin Vander Baaren
    Hantsport, NS


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