Thursday, 25 June 2015

An awesome show!

If you were unable to attend the grand production, Travelling Through Time, at the school last evening, you missed an "awesome" show!
Through music and words, the children told much of the history of Hantsport.   To assist with the project Ms. Doucett applied for, and was
granted, Hantsport's first Awesome grant of $1000.   Along with two other grants from Arts Smart NS and the Horton Family of Schools SEEDS
grant, professional author Sophie Berube and artist Elizabeth Sircom were asked to help the children with the original screen play and the
art work.  Through music and words the children told much of the history of Hantsport.   Guest speakers and research provided the students with
the factual information they needed to write the the dialogue and the words to the songs.   Their music teacher, the talented Mr. Taylor, put all
their words to music.  The show was over an hour long and each student played multiple roles.  What a huge undertaking for teachers and
volunteers when each student was included and encouraged through the process!   Wow!
The younger classes did a fine job of supporting the Grade 4/5 class through all the songs!   They are to be congratulated on their great
behaviour as they waited for their parts through the production.
Now that the songs, music and words have been written, the production can be performed again in future years.   The children must have felt
very rewarded when they saw the audience rise to give them a standing ovation!  Their songs really told much of the history of Hantsport and
many people thought it was a grand finale for our little town!  Watch for the supporting Companion Big Book which will be on display in our new
-Lynda King

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