Tuesday 3 May 2016

My query re using biomass to produce energy and MLA Irving's reply.

From: HeatherDavidson [mailto:hhdavidson@eastlink.ca]
Sent: March 16, 2016 11:19 AM
To: keith@irvingmla.ca

Hi Keith

Along with many others, I have signed the petition to stop destroying NS forest for biomass production.

Please listen to Bob Bancroft. He is an expert forester and reaps no benefit from his opposition to biomass.

How many people in your department are influenced unduly by the forest companies? 

What is the justification for clean cutting?

I would appreciate a response.

Hello Heather,

Thank you for writing me on this issue.  I have heard concerns from a number of people in Kings South on this matter – all of whom share your perspective. 

As you probably know the first step in reducing the use of primary forest biomass for generating electricity was taken last month when the Province amended the Renewable Electricity Regulations.  Specifically, the Province removed a 2013 regulation that established a legal requirement for Nova Scotia Power to operate the Port Hawkesbury biomass plant as a “must-run” facility.

A must-run electricity generation plant was required to produce as much electricity as possible all the time, even if other sources of energy, such as wind, were available at a lower cost.  Going forward, the biomass plant will remain available to generate electricity only when it is economical to do so, or when needed for reliability.  With current energy prices, biomass generated electricity has proven to be one of the more expensive energy sources.

Obviously this is not a complete shut-down of the plant but it is a step forward to reducing the amount of forest biomass used in energy production.

It’s important for myself and other MLAs to hear the concerns – both pro and con – for biomass generated electricity as we can take these opinions forward to Caucus. So thank you for writing me. It’s very important that I hear from citizens on these issues of public policy.




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